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North Pacific Industries

NPI is a full-service wholesale distributor of cabinets and cabinet components to the multi-housing renovation industry. They partner with established, American-made cabinet manufacturers to ensure consistent results over the lifespan of the renovation project.

North Pacific Industries | Quick Base Workflow Solution

NPI was growing quickly and serving more than 300 repeat customers several times a year. They had outgrown file folders and spreadsheets used for keeping track of customers’ needs and preferences. This led to them struggling to keep up with the flow of the projects to make sure everything was getting done on time.

Trinity developed a workflow solution in Quick Base that allowed NPI to quickly and easily track projects throughout the project lifecycle. It also pushed each phase of the project out to the teams using color codes. The application also keeps relevant customer information and a history of each property’s orders attached and visible to every new order that comes in.

The Quick Base workflow has been instrumental in our ability to continue to grow and be productive. We currently serve more than 900 repeat customers with over 8,100 projects completed without an increase in operations staff

Chris Cook


  • Enhanced the process of tracking projects from start to finish
  • Enabled a more structured workflow for leads and projects with specific phases and statuses
  • Increased reporting and notification capabilities for NPI and their clients
  • More than 50% reduction in time to bid
  • 25% increase in closed quotes

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